Celebrating our first birthday

Migraine Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand is one year old. And in compliance with the advice that people with migraine receive to moderate their lifestyles, instead of clinking champagne and chowing into cake, we’re taking a moment to catch our breath and meditate on the happy moments over the past year.

It felt like a slow birth, but it was only five months from the first online meeting of the three co-founders at the end of October 2021 until we were registered as an Incorporated Society on 21 March 2022 and our website went live on 1 April 2022.

Since then, it’s been a baby with a relentless appetite that we’ve been racing to keep fed. Here’s a snapshot of our first year through some rather objective numbers, though we like to think we’re making a difference in innumerable other subjective ways too (that we hope our supporters will agree with):

Plus countless emails, WhatsApp messages, social media comments, virtual meetings and so many people who have encouraged, helped and supported us.

During our first birthday month, we want to thank you all for your involvement. We’re grateful, humbled and excited all at once to have reached this milestone and see so much potential for the future. Bring on the terrible (or hopefully terrific) twos!